Monday, May 30, 2011

Poems for Awesome: I couldn't help it! I had the candy bombers on my mind

Candy from the heavens
Falling from the sky.
Parachutes of handkerchiefs
Dropped by pilots sly.

Candy from the heavens
bringing so much more.
Raining hope and happiness
Making lighter every chore.

Candy from the heavens
Changed the conflict grim.
A little chocolate helped a lot
When the chances were so slim.

Candy from the heavens
The giant air bridge brings
Gifts from kind hearts in the states
And Uncle Wiggly Wings.

Poems for Awesome (I wrote these on Sunday)

I dreamt
I was a raindrop
In the clouds above the ocean
Waiting to fall, make a splash, add to the whole

There is a way,
It lies at my feet.
The price that I pay
Is both bitter and sweet.
The cross of the world
And the shame thereof, too
The insults hurled
Accusations untrue
All must be endured
With a smile and a wink
I'll soon be inured
Brush things off with a blink.
For the sweet peace that comes
Is so precious and rare
"Carry on," my heart hums
My Savior waits there.
Yes the end of the road
Is heaven so sweet.
So I shoulder my load.
"Au revior, 'till we meet!"

Books for Awesome: The Candy Bombers

Andrei Cherny is the author of the book The Candy Bombers: The Untold Story of the Berlin Airlift and America's Finest Hour. Reading the book, I felt fully immersed in post WWII Germany. When I would come up for air, I had trouble reacclimatizing myself to my peaceful surroundings. Cherny paints a vivid picture that explores the background of all the major players and then interweaves their stories in a captivating tale. I LOVED how he emphasized with such clarity the tragic hopelessness of the situation and then contrasted the powerful tenacity of the Berliners and the humanitarian efforts of the allied forces. The personal commentaries and vignettes added depth that many times made me cry! I want to go to Berlin.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Poems for Awesome: Evidence

Extra proof
Video-like that
No doubt it brings
Critical knowledge and
Expands potential.

Poems for Awesome: silver veneer

When the rain comes down
It paints the whole town
With a silver veneere
That's translucent and sheer
My blood turns cold
I feel slow and old
I seek a good book
Grab a blanket and look
For a warm, cozy spot
With hot cocoa (a lot)
And I sip and I read
There's not much I need
But if I don't watch me
I might become moldy
The green sneaky substance
Could grow on me in abundance
And i could be stuck
With my book
In a nook
To the spot
Where I sat
Watching rain like a cat
As it painted the town
While it fell softly down.

Poems for Awesome: intuition

I am aware of the world
Nature, people, environment
Trust in my gut
Understand what's out there by
Investigating my surroundings
Time brings experience
Interest grows
Open doors beckon
No fear, be confident

Movies for Awesome

For those of you who didn't know: I am a huge Hayao Miyazaki fan! His movies are always delightful and beautiful and imaginative. And weird in a good way. Last night I watched The Cat Returns and it was fantastic! Miyazaki always gets fun people to do the english voice overs. In this show Anne Hathaway does the voice of Haru and Cary Elwes does the voice of the Baron. The movie has a positive message about believing in yourself. By the end I totally had a crush on the Baron (even though he's a cat).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Poems for Awesome

To what end to people pass me?
Do they get there faster? No!
It's just more stop and go.
I'm actually not that slow.
There's not that much to show
When cars right past me blow.
Stupid cars!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Poems for Awesome

I miss my sister
We always laugh too loudly
We're our biggest fans!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Poems for Awesome

I dreamt
I was a fluffy white cloud
High above a field like an unreachable puff of fluff
Scudding across the piercingly blue sky

Poems for Awesome (I wrote these on Sunday)

El Espiritu
Me da consuelo y paz
Guia me a Dios

Dios le habla
por el profeta
y le bendice
si lo acepta
vivir con la guia
de Dios a diario
?que mas quiere?
es un billonario...
mas bien es sin precio
no puede valorear
el amor de Dios
que el profeta le mostrara

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Books for Awesome

New old books: the Uncle series. I only have access to the first two books since the other ones are out of print. When I go to England, I'll bash around town in the old book stores looking for used copies. J.P. Martin was a minister and told Uncle stories to his children as he invented them. They were so wonderful that his kids asked him to write them down. I'm so glad he did! The first book is called Uncle. Uncle (the main character) is an elephant who is enormously rich and lives in a vast castle. Comprised of a collections of magical towers and inhabitants, the castle is a source of endless adventures. Fighting enemies occupies the rest of Uncles' time. Homeward (the castle) is close to Badfort where Uncle's enemies live. They are a terrible lot and deserve what they get. The sequel, Uncle Clean Up, continues adventures looking at towers and introduces more fantastic characters. I highly recommend these books for family read-a-loud enjoyment. The prose is so delightful, you end up reading bits aloud anyway so you might as well all experience the fun that is Uncle together.

Poems for Awesome: Jam

Blackberries wage war
Ferociously against us
In the end, we win!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Heart beats in my toes.
Side effect of my woes?
Heart beats in my ears.
Sustained living with my fears?
I want peace and I want quiet!
Slice of silence: wish I could buy it.
Now I'm where I'm supposed to be
I'd love a piece of tranquility.
Heal my body, calm my heart.
Now I'm ready for my new start.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I dreamt
I was a chicken
in a cage in the back yard
eating all the worms

I dreamt
I was the river
by the hospital
healing the patients

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Books for Awesome

I had never heard of Hard Times by Charles Dickens until my roommate Valerie lent/gave me a copy. (I'm not sure if I need to return it. I need to ask her.) Beyond A Christmas Carol and Great Expectations, I had little exposure to other Dickens treasures. I had no idea how prolific he was! The truth is, I have only recently gained the confidence that I can read, understand, and appreciate Mr. Dickens' writing. Hard Times is amazing! Reading Dickens and Gaskell, I get the feeling that they caused quite an uproar in their time. In the edition that I read, a letter was included from Dickens to Gaskell that asked for her opinion on how to deal with striking. The story takes place in a mill town and weaves us in and out of the lives of the highest and lowest classes comparing and contrasting. Is it better to be poor and loving or rich and unfeeling? Is it better to be uneducated and moral or educated and immoral? What is lost for the sake of progress and facts? I always feel that I know Dickens opinion but that he writes as if he were a lawyer presenting the whole story to me, the juror. He tells both sides of the story. No one is innocent, no one is perfect, but that is why humanity must be merciful. My favorite characters are Sissy Jupe, Stephen Blackpool, and Rachel. Their humility and integrity and charity is so heartrending! Though they are the lowest of the low we would be lucky to be their friends and to be able to emulate their patience in suffering.

Hard Times is fantastic! Daniel Landeen once said that we should all read one book by Charles Dickens each year. I completely agree.

Books for Awesome

Little Wolf's Book of Badness by Ian Whybrow and illustrated by Tony Ross was recommended to me by my aunt and uncle. Little Wolf is not "bad" enough for his parents so they ship him off to boarding school where he will be taught by his Uncle Bigbad the nine rules of badness. He has all kinds of adventures that he discovers he likes. The reader gets to experience the delightful personality of Little Wolf through the letters he sends home detailing all his escapades to his parents. Little Wolf's Book of Badness is delightful and creative! I look forward to reading the rest of the series. A note of caution for young readers learning how to spell: some words are spelled creatively which adds to the charm of the book but might thwart spelling efforts.

Yours Finishedly,

Chickens in the backyard,
Dogwoods in the front.
Sixty-six degrees outside:
Time for lots of fun!
Stretch and reach and
Start the day.
Jump right out of bed!
Let the fresh air
In your lungs.
Breathe in and start the day.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

heartbreaking goodbye
leaving loved ones behind me
new loved ones to find

Thursday, May 5, 2011

James is home. He's certainly skinnier but still slightly crazy. Time will tell how deep the changes have been. President Perez gave some very meaningful commentary on the special connections missionaries have to heaven, the fulfillment of calls extended in the pre-existence and the importance of return missionaries looking the part and encouraging future missionaries. I'm really proud of my lil' bruder!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Which books to take?
which move to make?
which way to turn?
what will I learn?
Changes soon:
a curse and boon.
I still don't know what to pack.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Breaks the morning light
Streaming into my new day
The future is here.

Pay my respects to the infinite
Ruler of the universe
Always attentive
Yes, He knows my name
Ever watchful
Ready to "comfort me when faint."