Saturday, May 21, 2011

Books for Awesome

New old books: the Uncle series. I only have access to the first two books since the other ones are out of print. When I go to England, I'll bash around town in the old book stores looking for used copies. J.P. Martin was a minister and told Uncle stories to his children as he invented them. They were so wonderful that his kids asked him to write them down. I'm so glad he did! The first book is called Uncle. Uncle (the main character) is an elephant who is enormously rich and lives in a vast castle. Comprised of a collections of magical towers and inhabitants, the castle is a source of endless adventures. Fighting enemies occupies the rest of Uncles' time. Homeward (the castle) is close to Badfort where Uncle's enemies live. They are a terrible lot and deserve what they get. The sequel, Uncle Clean Up, continues adventures looking at towers and introduces more fantastic characters. I highly recommend these books for family read-a-loud enjoyment. The prose is so delightful, you end up reading bits aloud anyway so you might as well all experience the fun that is Uncle together.

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