Monday, April 6, 2009

Now that I'm old enough to pay attention to conference and not fall asleep (at least until the Sunday afternoon session) I'm noticing patterns.  October conference 2006 (?) everyone seemed to reference Matthew 11:28-29 : "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."  

Several themes were apparent to me during this conference.  There was a lot of discussion about being strong and self reliant, being provident providers, focusing on the temple and temple covenants, using the gospel as a source of strength, etc.  

Elder Hales talk on overcoming addictions and appetites was REALLY interesting.  I've been thinking about my addictions and appetites that are out of control.  To counter balance my propensity to sit and ponder and do nothing about reaching goals I have developed the ability to be impulsive.  When I finally decide I want something or want to do something I want to do it now!  I want to satisfy my appetite for that particular thing/ activity.  This has led me into some self-imposed bondage.   I've never been deeply in debt or in any serious trouble but the idea that I have this character flaw is somewhat distressing and if I can't fix it now it could get me into trouble.  My personality doesn't really lend itself to cool, deliberate decision making.  I get the opportunity to grow.  Yay me.  

Sister Liffereth touched on another topic that is vitally important: respect.  Do we really respect each other and our differences?  My generation and the ones that follow have lost the desire to treat others equitably.  We have no respect for others and we have no self respect because we don't understand the principles of sacrifice.  When we sacrifice for what we want we gain self respect and we can recognize the sacrifices others have made and treat them accordingly.  Can we work to achieve our goals?  Can we push ourselves beyond our limits?

My Grandpa Peterson used to say: "work will win while wishy, washy, wishing won't."  Work will win self respect and respect for the work of others.  Work will win the goals we wish to achieve.  Work will win while getting into debt to appease over active appetites won't.  Time to go to work.  

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