Sunday, September 6, 2009

Confession #1

When I was a little girl I was very sensitive to the fact that we didn't have much money. I don't know how I absorbed that information. I always had everything I needed plus some. My two brothers and I shared a room. We had tons of toys. We lived in the comfortable basement apartment of a house. The yard was the best part. There was plenty of room inside but the yard was the best part! So fun! I remember when we got huge, long jump ropes and we'd all jump rope as a family. Once I was jumping on a mini-trampoline outside and a bee flew right by me. It was SOOOOOOO huge I thought it was at least five inches long and just massive. I was so scared! There was a time when I thought a giant spider lived inside the mini-trampoline. I was bouncing on it and I thought I saw huge, hairy legs poke out and I was afraid of it forever after. Gross. I've always hated spiders. Here is my confession: once I told my brownie's leader that we were poor and she later asked my mom if the brownie troop needed to have a fund raiser or a caned food drive for our family. My mother was mortified. Sorry mom! Related incident: I was taking dance from KJ and we were talking about which lessons I would like to take and I said in front of my mom, KJ and the mothers of some of my friends that it didn't matter because we couldn't afford other classes anyway. This resulted in my getting private lessons. I guess KJ worked out something with my mom. I'm sorry I went around telling everyone we were poor! I'm sorry I couldn't keep my mouth shut! I'm sorry I caused you so much embarrassment!

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