Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ready, Fire, Aim!!!

According to my dad, I live my life by the motto: Ready, Fire, Aim. It's probably true. I'm full of impulses but I've just barely started acting on them. I've always been impulsive but too afraid to do anything about it. Now I'm jumping off bridges left and right thinking about the consequences on the way down. Oops. Or maybe I'm jumping off bigger bridges. The trick will be to allow the Spirit to be a steadying influence in my life. I need (many) voices of reason. For some reason I've been to see the bishop in my ward three times in about six months. That's unheard of for me. I NEVER go talk to the bishop unless he called me in for an interview. This behavior is very new for me. But I feel compelled to do it. It's probably because the Lord knows I need the counsel of Bishop Boyer. I don't like to be the one asking for help and needing to talk with the bishop at 9:30 at night. He's busy and tired and has a whole ward full of people who need him. Who am I to occupy his time. And yet I go. And so my need is great. Help me to understand the Lord's will before it grows too late. Thanks Bishop for your sacrifice of time and your good counsel. Thanks to all your assistants who help you serve the ward. Thanks Heavenly Father for restoring the gospel and putting in place the organization of the church for our edification.

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