Thursday, February 12, 2009

The end of the story

I've decided that I'm not a good reader.  All I want to do is get to the end of the book.  Rarely do I pause to enjoy where I'm at in the story to savor all the lovely details and picture myself in the scene with the hero/ heroine because I just want to know how it ends.  What's the result?  How do the problems resolve?  The feeling of finishing is so satisfying.  One can reach "The End" of a story.  This thirst for finality bleeds over into my life.  When a new chapter of drama begins in my little world I immediately want to know how it will end.  I was counseled today about finding joy in the journey.  The plot line may not play out for weeks or months so I might as well enjoy where I'm at now.  There's a general, hopeful feeling that the future will be an improvement to present woes but that's not necessarily the case.  Looking forward to some future event to complete my happiness is just laziness.  I'm too lazy to find the fabulous in this very instant.  Maybe it's a lack of creativity.  Maybe I've over indulged my pessimistic side.  I bet it's a lack of gratitude.  President Hinckley counseled us to be grateful.  As I teach my nutrition classes I've been reflecting on the importance of gratitude for the way our bodies are right now.  Are our bones broken?  Are we on dialysis?  Can we run errands and clean the house, etc?  We feel health is status quo until we are unhealthy.  Once illness creeps into our lives we long for the blissful days when we could take our bodies for granted.  The human body is a miracle.  We do miraculous things every day without knowing.  Our hearts beat independent of conscious thought.  We don't force it to beat neither do we thank it for performing it's function so beautifully.  But when it stops... then we realize what it was doing for us.  Put your hand over your heart and thank it for keeping you alive.  

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