Sunday, February 8, 2009

Recognition is the first step

I realized the other day that I take work home with me and I take home to work.  It's not a good combination either way.  It's pretty unhealthy actually and it got me into some trouble...  So when I feel like I'm doing pretty good at trying to be a good person my flaws become more prominent and then I have to ask myself if I really want to change.  Do I really want to sacrifice my favorite sins and excuses?  I'm in the pre-contemplative stage of change.  I'm not convinced quite yet that I need to do what I feel I should.  By avoiding the necessary changes that are limiting my progression I'm choosing to remain, well, limited.  Another word for limited is damned.  I dam my own growth.  I was just re-reading a talk by Boyd K. Packer that really influenced my mission that reminds us that spiritual growth is just that: growth.  It doesn't happen all at once.  It's a lifelong process.  I mistakenly feel a sense of complacency and achievement at times in my life when I feel I'm doing okay.  The problem is that I could be doing AWESOME.  

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