Monday, February 9, 2009

I love light!

After the giant snow storm that took me by surprise I was delighted that the sun peaked through the clouds as if to say: "don't forget me.  I'll be back soon."  One of my favorite thing about Provo is that the mountains drape themselves in fluffy clouds to remind us how lofty they are.  They put on airs like fine and fashionable ladies.  Flaunting their ethereal accessories they gaze at the ants racing by below them.  I like to climb the mountains.  Borrowing their vantage point I gain perspective as I, too, gaze at the ants.  At the end of the excursion tragically I devolve into what I am: an ant.  But even as an ant I can appreciate the light that filters through to the "trenches."  Beams of light cut through haze and gloom to bring hope and remind us of the time we climbed the mountain.  The time when we remembered what was really important in life.  The time when we could see things as they really are.  Small.  Insignificant.  Confined to a small, inconsequential area of a much, much larger world.  

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